1. Cock and bull story
Meaning:Absurd an unbelievable Story
Example:Once upon a time, there was a man who claimed that he had been abducted by aliens and taken to their planet, where he was shown incredible technology and given secret knowledge about the universe. He said that he had been returned to Earth with a mission to share this knowledge with the world, but that the government was trying to silence him and keep the truth from the public. Despite his wild claims, he had no evidence to back them up, and many people dismissed his story as a cock and bull tale.
2.Hold Water
Meaning:seem logical, something is valid
Example:Sarah's plan to improve sales figures really holds water. She has researched the market trends, analyzed customer feedback, and developed a comprehensive strategy to boost sales. Her plan is not only creative but also feasible and well-supported by data."
In this example, the plan that Sarah has proposed has been examined and found to be logical, reasonable, and capable of producing the desired results. The idea "holds water" because it has been thought through and is supported by sound reasoning and evidence
3.to be down to earth
Meaning:to be realistic, to be practical
Example:Maria is a successful businesswoman, but she is very down to earth. She always remembers where she came from and treats everyone with kindness and respect. She doesn't let her success go to her head and remains practical and realistic about her goals for the future.
4.in the Nick of time
Meaning:Just in Time
Example:Imagine you are running late for your flight, and you arrive at the airport with only a few minutes to spare before the gates close. You board the plane just in the nick of time before it takes off. In this case, you made it just in time, and any later, you would have missed the flight.
5.to shun evil company
Meaning:To avoid Bad company, Avoid harmful and negative person
Example:imagine that you have a friend who frequently engages in drug use and other risky behaviors. If you spend time with them, you might be more likely to be exposed to drugs and feel pressure to engage in those behaviors yourself. To shun evil company in this situation would mean avoiding spending time with this friend, and instead seeking out other, more positive relationships that support your values and goals
6.seamy side:unpleasant and immoral
Meaning:unpleasant and immoral
Example:the seamy side of the entertainment industry refers to the dark and unpleasant aspects of the industry that are typically kept hidden from public view, including drug abuse and sexual harassment.
7.A scared Cow
Meaning:A Person never to be criticised
Example: You can't suggest cutting funding for the military. It's a sacred cow in this country," they mean that the military is viewed as a very important and untouchable institution, and any attempt to reduce its funding would be met with strong resistance. Similarly, if someone says "We need to take a closer look at the role of police in society," they may be accused of attacking a sacred cow of law and order.
8.A dog's breakfast
Meaning:A Total mess
Example:The project was a dog's breakfast. No one seemed to have a clear idea of what they were doing.
9.sail in the same bot
Meaning: to be in same situation
Example:I know you're struggling with your bills, but don't worry, we're all sailing in the same boat right now
10.take the bull by the horns
Meaning:To face a difficulty courageously.
Example:I know you're nervous about the job interview, but you just need to take the bull by the horns and show them why you're the best candidate
11.shed crocodile tears
Meaning: to pretend to be sympathetic.
Example:She pretended to be sad about the breakup, but we all knew she was shedding crocodile tears
12.to be in a quandary
Meaning:confusing situation
Example:I'm in a quandary about which job offer to accept - one pays more, but the other has better benefits
13.take a French leave
Meaning:absenting oneself without permission
Example:After finishing his meal, John took a French leave from the dinner party, leaving without thanking the host or saying goodbye to anyone.
14.Have a finger in every pie
Meaning:to involved lot of different activities
Example :John always seems to be busy with something. He has a finger in every pie - he's on the school board, he volunteers at the community center, and he's involved in local politics.
15.the jury is out
Meaning:No decision has been reached
Example:Some people believe that the new policy will have a positive impact, while others are not so sure. At this point, the jury is still out on whether it will be effective or not.
16.to make up one's mind
Meaning:To decided what to do
Example:After thinking about it for days, Mary finally made up her mind to quit her job and start her own business
17.to call it day
Meaning:Decided to finish working of the day
Example:After working for eight hours straight, the construction workers decided to call it a day and go home
18.in Two minds
Meaning:to be undecided
Example:I'm in two minds about whether to accept the job offer or not. On one hand, the salary is great, but on the other hand, the commute is quite long
19.put something by
Meaning:to save money for particular purpose
Example:After getting a raise at work, Tom decided to put some money by for his children's education
20.On cloud nine
Meaning:Extremely happy
Example:When Susan got the news that she had been accepted into her dream university, she was on cloud nine for days
21.to take after
Meaning:to resemble an older member of family
Example:Samantha really takes after her mother. They both have a love for music and a talent for playing the piano
22.flying visit
Meaning:Very short visit
Example:I wish we could have spent more time together, but my boss was only in town for a flying visit and had to leave early the next morning
23.telling upon
Meaning:Having strong effect
Example:Jimmy's little sister told on him for taking the last cookie from the jar
24.Kith and Kin
Example:After her parents passed away, Sarah found solace in her kith and kin, who provided her with love and support during her time of grief
25.Part and parcel
Meaning:important parts
Example:For many people, stress is simply part and parcel of working in a high-pressure job." This means that stress is an inherent part of a high-pressure job, and it cannot be avoided or separated from the job itself
26.Beat about the bush
Meaning:don't talk Specifically
Example:Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you really think about the proposal." This means that the person is not being direct or clear in their communication and is avoiding addressing the main issue. The speaker is urging them to be more straightforward and get to the point
27.Carry out
Meaning:complete something
Example:The team will carry out the project plan as scheduled." This means that the team will complete or execute the project plan according to the timeline or schedule. The idiom "carry out" emphasizes that the team is actively working on the project and that the plan is being implemented
28.take fancy
Meaning:To attract or please somebody
Example:On her trip to Italy, she took a fancy to gelato and ate it every day." This means that while in Italy, she became interested in gelato and developed a liking for it. The idiom "take a fancy to" emphasizes the sudden and unpredictable nature of the attraction or interest
29.A snake in the grass
Meaning: a hidden enemy
Example:I thought my best friend was loyal, but it turned out she was a snake in the grass who stole my boyfriend
30.make a mountain of a moll hill
Meaning:Exaggerate minor problem
Example:My boss tends to make a mountain out of a molehill. She gets upset over the tiniest things
31.spill the beans
Meaning: revial the secret information
Example:John was planning a surprise party for his wife's birthday and had told all the guests to keep it a secret. However, one of the guests accidentally spilled the beans to John's wife, ruining the surprise. In this situation, "spill the beans" means to reveal the secret, and the idiom is used to express the idea that confidential information has been unintentionally disclosed.
32.make amends for
Meaning:compensate the loss
Example:After accidentally breaking his neighbor's window, Tim decided to make amends by offering to pay for the damage and also volunteering to help with any future repairs needed around the house. By taking responsibility for his mistake and showing a willingness to make things right, Tim was able to make amends with his neighbor and restore their previously friendly relationship.
33.leave high and dry
Meaning:in a difficult situation without help Or money
Example:After promising to help his friend move, Jack left him high and dry on moving day by not showing up and not answering his phone.
34.make believe
Meaning:to pretend that something is true
Example:Children often enjoy playing make-believe games, where they use their imagination to create imaginary scenarios and characters
35.go for the jugular
Meaning:attack all out
Example:In a literal sense, a predator may "go for the jugular" of its prey to swiftly and effectively kill it.
36.keep a head level
Meaning:to remain calm and sensible in a difficult situation
Example:if someone is dealing with a crisis, they might be advised to "keep a level head" in order to make good decisions and handle the situation effectively. Similarly, if a person is in a high-pressure job or dealing with a difficult coworker, they might be advised to "keep a level head" in order to maintain their professionalism and avoid getting too emotional or reactive
37.under the weather
Example:if someone says "I'm feeling a bit under the weather today," it means that they are feeling a bit sick or not well. Similarly, if an employee calls in sick to work and says they are "under the weather," it means they are not feeling well enough to come into work.
38.At loggerheads
Meaning:in strong disagreement
Example:if two people are having a heated argument and are unable to reach a compromise, you could say that they are "at loggerheads." Similarly, if two political parties are unable to agree on a particular issue, they might be described as "at loggerheads.
39.go Dutch
Meaning:Divided the cost
Example:if you and your friend decide to go out to eat, and you suggest to "go Dutch," it means that each person will pay for their own meal instead of one person paying for the entire bill. Another example would be if you're at a concert or event and want to buy some merchandise with a friend, you might suggest to "go Dutch" and split the cost evenly.
40.Alma mater
Meaning:institution where one got education
Example:Harvard is my alma mater," it means that they attended Harvard University and graduated from there. Similarly, if someone says, "I'm going back to my alma mater for homecoming weekend," it means they are returning to the school where they earned their degree or attended in the past. The phrase is often used with a sense of pride and fondness, as it signifies a connection to one's educational past and the institutions that have helped shape their academic and personal growth
41.A Closefisted man
Meaning:A miser
Example:John is known among his friends as a closefisted man. Even though he is wealthy, he never treats his friends to a meal or buys them a gift, and he always insists on splitting the bill evenly, even if he ordered much less than everyone else. He even refuses to give to charity, saying that he worked hard for his money and doesn't want to just give it away. His friends are starting to feel resentful of his behavior and are considering distancing themselves from him.
42.As draft as bush
Meaning:very silly
Example:After the party, Jake stumbled out of the house, swaying from side to side. His friends looked at him and laughed, saying, "Wow, Jake, you're as drunk as a bush!" Jake didn't even realize how intoxicated he was, but he knew he needed to get some fresh air and sober up before he could drive home
43.make a beeline
Example:When the fire alarm went off, everyone in the building made a beeline for the exit. No one stopped to grab their belongings or chat with coworkers - they all knew that they needed to get out of the building as quickly as possible. As they made their way outside, they could see smoke pouring out of a nearby room, and they were grateful for their quick thinking and decisive action
44.Wild goose chase
Meaning:Useless search
Example:After searching for the lost keys for hours, John realized he was on a wild goose chase and that he must have left them at work
45.a man of letters
Meaning:A literary person
Example:Harold was known in his community as a man of letters because of his extensive knowledge of literature and his love for the written word."
46.Horse sense
Meaning:Basic common sense
Example:After working on the farm for many years, Sarah has developed a lot of horse sense. She knows how to repair fences, care for the animals, and handle the equipment with ease. Her practical knowledge and common sense make her an invaluable asset to the farm
47.short in the arm
Meaning:something that give Encouragement
Example:After struggling for weeks with her writing project, Jane received some positive feedback from her editor that was just the short in the arm she needed to finish the work. The encouragement gave her the boost she needed to push through the final stages and complete the project successfully.
48.Catch time by the forelock
Meaning:seize opportunity
Example:John had been waiting for the right moment to propose to his girlfriend, and when they were on vacation in Paris, he decided to catch time by the forelock and ask her to marry him in front of the Eiffel Tower. His spontaneity and readiness to seize the opportunity made the moment even more special for both of them
49.get on nerves
Example:My co-worker's constant tapping on the desk while she works is really getting on my nerves
50.clean hands
Example:The company's CEO made sure that she had clean hands in the bribery scandal by immediately reporting the incident to the authorities and firing the employees responsible
51.a golden mean
Meaning:Middle course between two extreme
Example:When it comes to managing your finances, it's important to strike a golden mean between saving and spending. Saving too much can lead to a lack of enjoyment, while spending too much can result in financial difficulties
52.vexed question
Meaning:controversial issu
Example:The issue of climate change has become a vexed question for policymakers, as they try to balance economic growth with environmental concerns
53.keep the wolf away from door
Meaning:to keep off starvation
Example:After losing his job, John was worried about how he would pay his bills and feed his family. He took on some odd jobs to keep the wolf away from the door until he could find steady employment.
54.out of sorts
Example:After staying up late and having a few drinks, Mary woke up feeling out of sorts and decided to take a sick day from work to rest and recuperate
55.Gut feeling
Meaning:strong instinct
Example:Despite not having any concrete evidence, Sarah had a gut feeling that her boyfriend was lying to her about his whereabouts last night. She decided to confront him about it, and he eventually admitted to being out with his friends instead of working late
56.Bite the bullet
Meaning:to take more than one can handle or manage
Example:Sarah signed up for four classes this semester, but she's struggling to keep up with the coursework. She really bit off more than she could chew
57.red letter day
Meaning:a very important day
Example:Today is a red letter day for me because I just got my dream job
58.To set the thames on fire
Meaning:Do a heroic dead
Example:After winning the national championship, the young athlete felt like he could set the Thames on fire.
59.Eat humble pie
Meaning:to say sorry for mistakes
Example:Imagine a situation where someone had been boasting about their superior skills in a particular activity, but then they fail miserably when they attempt it in front of others. The person would have to "eat humble pie" by admitting their mistake and acknowledging their lack of ability in that area. They might say something like, "I really thought I was good at this, but I guess I was wrong. I have to eat humble pie and admit that I need to work on my skills."
60.play ducks and drakes
Meaning:spend lavishly
Example:Suppose you had a friend who had just received a large inheritance and was spending it irresponsibly on expensive items that they did not need. You might say to them, "You're playing ducks and drakes with your inheritance. You need to be more careful with your spending and invest it wisely." This would mean that they are being reckless with their money and need to be more responsible with their finances.
61.Be taken aback
Meaning:Shocked surprised
Example:When I saw my boss wearing a clown costume to work, I was taken aback. I had no idea he had a sense of humor like that.
62.lay it on thick
Meaning:An exaggeration
Example:I know you're trying to impress your boss, but don't lay it on too thick with all those compliments.
63.Bird's eye view
Meaning:a overview
Example:From the top of the skyscraper, we had a bird's eye view of the entire city, with its sprawling landscape and bustling streets
64.to win laurels
Meaning:to earn great prestige
Example:After years of hard work and dedication, the young musician finally won laurels when she was awarded first prize in the international piano competition
65 . In the soup
Meaning:to be in trouble
Example:if someone says "He's really in the soup now," they mean that he's in trouble and facing serious consequences.
66.draw the line
Meaning:To set limit
Example:, a manager might say to an employee, "I appreciate your dedication to your work, but I draw the line at working overtime every single night." Here, the manager is setting a limit and making it clear that working excessive overtime is not acceptable or expected.
67.A bee hive
Meaning: a busy place
Example:if someone says that a particular office is like a bee hive, they mean that it is very busy and everyone is working hard. Similarly, if they describe a market or a street as a bee hive, they mean that it is full of people a
68.to cut The gordian knot
Meaning:To perform difficult task
Example:Today, the idiom "to cut the Gordian knot" is used to describe a situation where someone solves a difficult problem in a swift and decisive way, often by taking an unconventional approach or using a radical solution. For example, a company may "cut the Gordian knot" by firing all of its top executives and starting over with a completely new management team, or a politician may "cut the Gordian knot" by proposing a bold new policy that completely overhauls the current system
69.A chip of the old block
Meaning:an experienced old man
Example:if a son is a talented musician just like his father, people may say that he is "a chip off the old block." Or if a daughter shows the same kind of determination and ambition as her successful mother, she could be described as "a chip off the old block.
70.feather your nest
Meaning:To make yourself Richer
Example:if someone is using their position of power to make lucrative business deals that benefit themselves more than their company, they could be said to be "feathering their own nest
71.Throw up card
Meaning:to give in
Example:After struggling for months to find a job, he finally threw in the towel and decided to go back to school
72.Vote with your feet
Meaning:Showing your disapproval
Example:Customers voted with their feet and stopped shopping at the store when they found out about their unethical business practices.
73.Dog in manager
Meaning:A selfish Person
Example:The manager was a dog in the manger, refusing to allow her employees to take time off for their own personal needs, even though she never used her own vacation days
74.chapter and verse
Meaning:Providing minutes details
Example:The lawyer demanded that the opposing counsel provide chapter and verse to support their claims, rather than making vague accusations.
75.Bring down the earth
Meaning:Amuse The Audience greatly
Example:She brought down the earth to plan the perfect wedding, spending countless hours researching and interviewing vendors
76. a hard nut to crack
Meaning:A difficult problem to solve
Example:John is a hard nut to crack. He never shares his emotions and is always guarded about his personal life.
77.Beside the mark
Example:I appreciate your input, but it's beside the mark. We're discussing the budget, not the marketing strategy.
78.To give a plece of mind
Example :I was so frustrated with my coworker's behavior that I gave him a piece of my mind and told him to stop slacking off."
79.Give away
Meaning:to distribute Something
Example:The company is giving away free samples of their new product to customers who visit their store
80.Fight tooth and nail
Meaning:Fight with all strength
Example:The workers were willing to fight tooth and nail to protect their jobs from being outsourced to another country
81.in black and white
Meaning:in writing
Example :The terms and conditions of the contract were clearly stated in black and white, and both parties agreed to them.
82.Show a clean pair of heels
Meaning:To run away fast
Example :The thief managed to show a clean pair of heels and escaped with the stolen jewelry before the police arrived
83.All moonshine
Example :The politician's promises of reducing taxes were all moonshine, and none of them were ever implemented.
84.up to the marks
Meaning:According to the required standard
Example :The quality of the products is up to the mark, and that's why the company has a loyal customer base
85.once in blue moon
Example :I only eat fast food once in a blue moon, as I prefer to cook healthy meals at home
86.Hold your tongue
Meaning:Be silent
Example :The student wanted to speak out against the teacher's unfair grading practices, but decided to hold his tongue to avoid making things worse
87.Between The lines
Meaning:Find out the inner meaning
Example :The politician's speech was carefully worded, but it was clear from reading between the lines that she was calling for stricter gun control laws
88.Bury the hatchet
Meaning:End a quarrel or conflict and become friendly
Example :After years of feuding, the two neighbors decided to bury the hatchet and start fresh with a friendly handshake.
89.An axe to grind
Meaning:personal end to serve
Example :The politician had an axe to grind when he spoke out against the new policy, as it would negatively affect his business interests
90. A burning problem
Meaning:An urgent
Example :We have an urgent need for more volunteers to help with the charity event next week.
91.made his mark
Meaning:distinguished himself
Example :Despite starting his business from scratch, he worked tirelessly and eventually made his mark in the industry
92.all ears
Example :During the job interview, the candidate was all ears as the interviewer described the responsibilities of the position.
93.sit on the fence
Meaning:To avoid becoming involved in decided or influence something
Example :My friend always sits on the fence when we're trying to decide where to eat, so I end up having to choose every time.
94.Shake off
Meaning:Forgot/To get away from somebody who is chasing or following you
Example :After a long day at work, I like to shake off my stress by going for a run.
95.pull a long face
Meaning:look dejected
Example :After hearing the bad news about the company's financial results, the shareholders pulled a long face during the meeting
96.under a cloud
Meaning:under a suspicion
Example :The company's reputation was under a cloud following reports of unethical practices
97.swept under the rug
Meaning:concealed from other
Example :The company's management swept the embezzlement scandal under the rug and didn't report it to the authorities
98.With a finetooth comb
Example :The accountant went through the company's financial records with a fine-tooth comb to look for any errors or irregularities.
99.Barking up the Wrong tree
Meaning:misdirecting his effort
Example :The sales team was barking up the wrong tree by trying to sell expensive products to customers who were looking for budget options
100.stave off
Example :The company took measures to stave off bankruptcy by cutting costs and increasing revenue
101.at Sixes and sevens
Meaning: confused
Example :After the unexpected storm, the house was left at sixes and sevens with furniture and possessions strewn about
102.full of beans
Example :After a good night's sleep, Jack was full of beans and ready to tackle the day ahead
103.Dog eat dog
Meaning:Ruthlessly competitive
Example:In the world of business, it's often a dog eat dog environment where only the strongest survive
104.Fits and start
Example:"She felt unsteady on the ladder, so she asked for someone to hold it steady for her
105.In Harness
Meaning:In office
Example:"in harness" is used to describe John's return to work after retiring, and his use of his skills and knowledge in a new role as a consultant
106.Gift of gab
Example:Sarah has a real gift of gab and can charm anyone she meets with her quick wit and easy conversation."
107.Between The Horns of dilemma
Meaning:A difficult situation
Example:John had to choose between accepting a job offer in another city, which would mean leaving his family and friends behind, or staying in his current job, which he had grown to dislike. He felt like he was caught between the horns of a dilemma because both options had their downsides. If he took the new job, he would have to start over in a new city and leave his support system behind. But if he stayed in his current job, he would be unhappy and unfulfilled.
108.red tap
Meaning:official procedures causing this
Example:Sara is facing a lot of bureaucratic obstacles that are slowing her down and making it difficult for her to start her business. The red tape she is encountering includes all the forms, permits, and regulations she must comply with, which seem like unnecessary obstacles to her.
109.square peg in round hole
Example:Mike was a brilliant engineer, but he struggled in his new role as a salesperson. His technical expertise did not translate well to the sales environment, and he found it difficult to connect with customers. He felt like a square peg in a round hole, like he did not belong in his new job.
110.To eat one's own word
Meaning:To be forced to admit That you were Wrong
Example:Samantha claimed that she would never vote for a candidate who supported higher taxes. However, after learning more about the candidate's policies and their potential benefits, she decided to vote for them. When her friends reminded her of her earlier statement, Samantha had to eat her own words and admit that she was wrong
112.steal someone's thunder
Meaning:Take credit for something someone else did
Example:Carla had been working on a new project for months, and she was excited to present it to her boss. However, during the meeting, her colleague Tom presented a similar project, which he had just started working on, and received all the credit and praise. Carla felt that Tom had stolen her thunder, and she was disappointed that her hard work had gone unnoticed.
113.going against the grain
Meaning:Doing things differently from what you usually do
Example:a scientist who challenges a long-held scientific theory, despite facing opposition and criticism from other scientists. This scientist is going against the grain by questioning the established beliefs in their field.
114.Pull a rabbit out of hat
Meaning:To do something Unexpected
Example:a student who has been struggling to understand a difficult concept in math, but suddenly has an "aha" moment and solves a difficult problem, can be said to have pulled a rabbit out of a hat
115.Let the chips fall where the may
Meaning:Let something happen without bothering about the Consequences
Example:a business owner who has to make a difficult decision that could potentially result in the loss of some customers or revenue may say, "I have to do what's best for my company in the long run. I'm going to make this decision and let the chips fall where they may
116.Whole bag of tricks
Meaning:make use of all the possibilities or achieve something
Example:a basketball coach who has a whole bag of tricks might be able to adjust his team's strategy on the fly, changing the team's offensive or defensive approach based on the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team
117.Turn a blind eye
Meaning:To ignore situation
Example:if a supervisor knows that an employee is not following safety protocols, but chooses to ignore it and look the other way, the supervisor can be said to have turned a blind eye to the situation.
118.Make a long story short
Meaning:To be precise and avoid giving details
Example:someone might say, "To make a long story short, I ended up missing my flight and had to spend the night in the airport." In this case, the speaker is providing a brief summary of a more detailed story that involved missed connections, delays, and other complications.
119.salt of the earth
Meaning:Said for a very worthy and good person
Example:John is the salt of the earth. He always volunteers at the local soup kitchen, and he's always willing to help his neighbors with anything they need." In this case, the speaker is praising John for his generosity, kindness, and willingness to help others.
120.To kill two birds with one stone
Meaning:To attain two things or to solve two problem with one action.
Example:Let's say you have to pick up your dry cleaning and also need to buy groceries. Instead of making two separate trips, you decide to go to a grocery store that's located next to the dry cleaner. By doing this, you're able to "kill two birds with one stone" and complete both tasks with just one trip
121.pull a rabbit out of hat
Meaning:to do something unexpected
Example:The sales team was struggling to meet their targets for the quarter, and the deadline was rapidly approaching. The manager was under a lot of pressure to deliver results and was running out of ideas. However, in a stroke of genius, she managed to "pull a rabbit out of the hat" by coming up with a unique marketing strategy that helped the team to exceed their targets and earn some much-needed recognition from the company's executives.
122.let the chips fall where they may
Meaning:let something happen without bothering about the consequences
Example:John was planning to speak up about the unethical practices of his company, but he was worried about the potential consequences. His friend advised him to "let the chips fall where they may" and speak up anyway, because it was the right thing to do. John took his friend's advice and spoke up, and although he faced some challenges and difficulties as a result, he was ultimately glad that he had done the right thing.
123.Whole bag of tricks
Meaning:make of all possibilities or technique to achieve something
Example:After years of experience, the veteran salesperson had a whole bag of tricks to close any deal. Whether it was charm, persistence, or offering creative solutions, he always found a way to make the sale.
124.Pound the pavement
Meaning: Hunt for job on streets
example:After losing his job, Tom spent every day pounding the pavement, going from one company to another to submit his resume and search for new job opportunities. His hard work eventually paid off when he landed a great new job with a company he had been trying to get into for years
125.To stick to one's gun
Meaning: to be faithful to One's self
Example:Despite facing intense pressure from his colleagues to abandon his position, John stuck to his guns and continued to argue for the importance of ethical business practices. In the end, his unwavering commitment to his principles won the respect and admiration of his peers.
126.whole nine yards
Example:For his daughter's birthday party, Jack went the whole nine yards. He rented a bounce house, hired a clown, ordered a custom-made cake, and set up a photo booth with props. He wanted to make sure that his daughter had the best birthday party ever and spared no expense in making it happen.
127.to bite one's lips
Meaning:stop yourself from saying something
Example:When the boss announced that there would be no bonuses this year, Jane had to bite her lips to keep from crying in front of everyone. She was really upset because she had worked very hard all year and was counting on the bonus to help pay off some bills. But she didn't want to show her emotions in front of her colleagues and so she tried to control herself by biting her lips.
128.Zero tolerance
Meaning:Non acceptable of antisocial behaviour
Example:The school has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying. This means that any student found to be bullying others will be immediately suspended or even expelled, with no exceptions made for any reason. This strict approach is meant to send a clear message that bullying will not be tolerated in any way
129.Variety is the spice of life
Meaning:New experience make llife more interesting
Example:Joe always eats the same food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. His friends often tell him that he needs to try new things because variety is the spice of life. They encourage him to try new foods and activities to make his life more interesting and enjoyable
130.Scot free
Meaning:Without suffering any punishment or injury
Example:Tom was caught stealing a bike, but he managed to convince the police that it was just a misunderstanding. In the end, he was allowed to go scot-free and wasn't charged with any crime.
131.Tongue in cheek
Meaning:To something said sarcastically or in jest
Example:When John said "I'm really looking forward to cleaning the entire house today," with a grin on his face, it was obvious that he was speaking tongue in cheek. He really didn't want to clean the house, but was making a joke out of the situation.
132.wear your heart on your sleeve
Meaning:make one's feelings apparent
Example:Sarah is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve. When she's happy, everyone knows it because she smiles and laughs loudly. When she's upset, she'll cry and sometimes even yell. She doesn't try to hide her emotions, even in public. Some people find this trait endearing, while others think she should be more reserved.
133.when it rains, it pours
Meaning:when something bad occurs, it usually occurs more than once
Example:Samantha had a terrible week at work. Her boss yelled at her for a mistake she didn't make, and then she got sick and missed several important meetings. To make matters worse, her car broke down on the way home from work, and she had to spend a lot of money to get it fixed. It just seemed like when it rains, it pours - everything went wrong all at once.
134.add fuel to the fire
Meaning:Cause situation to become worse
Example:John and Mary were having an argument about money, and their voices were getting louder and more heated. Just then, John's friend walked in and started taking Mary's side, telling John he was being unreasonable. This only added fuel to the fire and made John even angrier.
135.a slap on the wrist
Meaning:A mild punishment
Example:The company received only a slap on the wrist for their environmental violations, which did not stop them from continuing to pollute.
136.Action speak louder than words
Meaning:What Someone Does mean more than what they say they will do
Example:Let's say a politician promises to tackle climate change and reduce carbon emissions if they're elected. However, once they take office, they fail to take any meaningful action on this issue. In this case, their actions (or lack of action) speak louder than their words. It becomes clear that their promises were simply empty words meant to gain votes, rather than a genuine commitment to the issue
137.a blessing in disguise
Meaning:A misfortune ther eventually has good results
Example:John lost his job last year, which seemed like a terrible blow at the time. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as he used the time to start his own business, which is now thriving.
138.Againt the clock
Meaning: To do job fat to finish it before a deadline
Example:The firefighters worked against the clock to rescue the people trapped in the burning building
Meaning:A person who is blamed for the mistakes
Example:John was made the scapegoat for the company's financial losses, even though he had no involvement in the financial department
140.A dime a dozen
Meaning: A Very small amount Compared with what is needed
Example:Your donation of $10 is appreciated, but it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the amount we need to raise for this charity
141.A drop in the bucket
Meaning:Very easy
Example:Your donation of $10 is appreciated, but it's just a drop in the bucket compared to the amount we need to raise for this charity
142.practice make a man perfect
Meaning:Frequently doing something makes one better at doing it
Example:if someone wants to become a great pianist, they need to practice playing the piano every day to improve their skills. Similarly, if someone wants to become a great writer, they need to write every day and practice their craft to become better at it
143.pull the plug
Meaning:Prevent something from continuing
Example:Due to the weather forecast, the organizers decided to pull the plug on the outdoor concert
144. A hot potato
Meaning:A controversial situation which is awkward to deal with
Example:The company's financial situation is a hot potato that nobody wants to address.
145.New kid on the block
Meaning:A newcomer
Example:The company's new product is the new kid on the block in the smartphone market. It's competing against established brands with more market share.
146.Water Under the bridge
Meaning:Past events are no longer important
Example:I know we had our differences in the past, but let's just let bygones be bygones and consider that water under the bridge.
147.wag the dog
Meaning:The act of creating a diversion from a damaging issue
148.Tie the knot
Meaning:to get married
Example:"After dating for five years, Sarah and Tom finally decided to tie the knot and get married
149.The ball is your court
Meaning:it is up to you to make the next move
Example:"I've given you all the information you need to make a decision. Now the ball is in your court
150.A piece of cake
Meaning:something is very easy
Example:The math problem was a piece of cake for me because I had studied it before.
151.A picture paints a thousand words
Meaning:An image of subject conveys it's meaning or essence more effectively than a description does
Example:imagine trying to describe the beauty of a sunset in words, versus simply showing someone a photograph of the same sunset. The photograph would likely have a more immediate and powerful impact, conveying the colors, textures, and emotions associated with the sunset in a way that words could not.
152.To bite off more than one can chew
Meaning:To try to do something that is too difficult for you
Example:to bite off more than one can chew" means to try to do more than one is capable of handling, or to take on a task that is too difficult to complete successfully. It implies that the person has taken on a challenge that is beyond their abilities or resources.
153:Bed if roses
Meaning:A situation or activity that is comfortable or easy
Example:Jane thought that becoming a famous actress would be a bed of roses, but she soon realized that it required a lot of hard work and dedication
154.Back to the Drawing board
Meaning:An idea has been usuccessful and that a new one must be devised
Example:The team had spent weeks developing a new product design, but when they presented it to the boss, he rejected it and told them to go back to the drawing board.
155.to steal someone's thunder
Meaning:to share the secret of a person just before that person was supposed to receive praise
Example:Tom had been working on a new project for months and was excited to present it at the upcoming team meeting. However, before he could present, his colleague John showed up and presented a very similar project. John had taken Tom's ideas and presented them as his own, stealing Tom's thunder and leaving him feeling frustrated and undermined.
156.raining cats and dogs
Meaning:it is raining unusually hard
Example:I was planning to go for a walk this afternoon, but it's been raining cats and dogs all day, so I decided to stay indoors instead
157.Rise the shine
Meaning: To get up and do something nicely
Example:the speaker is urging someone to wake up and start the day with energy and enthusiasm, as they have a lot of things to do. The phrase can also be used as an exclamation to greet someone in the morning, with the intent of encouraging them to start their day with energy and enthusiasm.
158.Run out of steam
Meaning:To lose impetus or enthusiasm
Example:We were doing really well on the project, but we've run out of steam in the last few weeks
159:Saved by the bell
Meaning:saved at the last moment
Example:I was about to fail the test, but the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building. I was saved by the bell
160:Smell rat
Meaning:To sense that events will not be in one's favour
Example:When the company suddenly cancelled the project without any explanation, I started to smell a rat
161.Sixth sense
Meaning:An intuitive power of
Example:I had a sixth sense that something bad was going to happen, so I decided not to go on the trip
162.Rome was not built in a day
Meaning:it takes time to create great
Example:I know the project is taking longer than we expected, but remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. Let's take our time and do it right.
163:Rule of thumb
Meaning:a broadly
Example:a common rule of thumb for cooking pasta is to use one liter of water for every 100 grams of pasta. This is not an exact measurement, but it provides a good approximation that will result in well-cooked pasta.
164.Turn a blind eye
Meaning:pretend not to notice
Example:imagine that you are a teacher and you notice that one of your students is cheating on a test, but you choose to "turn a blind eye" and not say anything. Or imagine that you are a police officer and you witness a colleague breaking the law, but you choose to "turn a blind eye" and not report it. In both cases, you are aware of something wrong or illegal happening, but you choose to ignore it instead of taking action.
165.up a blind alley
Meaning:following a course of action that is certain to lead to an undesirable outcome
Example:John spent months researching a business idea that turned out to be up a blind alley because it was not feasible and could not be executed. He realized that he had wasted a lot of time and money on something that was never going to work.
166.Familiarity breads contempt
Meaning:close association with someone lead to to a loss of respect for them
Example:suppose you have a close friend, and you spend a lot of time with them. Over time, you may start to notice some of their negative qualities or annoying habits that you didn't notice before. As a result, you may start to feel less fond of them or even start to dislike them. This is an example of how familiarity can breed contempt.
167.Don't pull all your eggs in one basket
Meaning: Don't risk everything on the success of one venture
Example:imagine someone invests all their money into a single stock, believing it will bring them significant returns. If that stock suddenly drops in value, they could lose all of their invested funds. In this case, they would have put all their eggs in one basket and suffered a significant loss.
168.through thick and thin
Meaning:to pass through various types of obstacles
Example:Marriage is about sticking together through thick and thin, through good times and bad times.
169:Thumb one's chase
Meaning:A hopeless search for something unattainab
Example:The protestors thumbed their noses at the government by refusing to obey the new law
170: you bet
Example:Sentence: "Are you sure you want to go to the party tonight?"
Response: "Certainly, I'm looking forward to it."
171.You Can say that again
Meaning:To express agreement
Example:Person A: "I'm so tired of this cold weather."
Person B: "You can say that again. It's been freezing outside for days."
172.all good things must come to an end
Meaning:Even enjoyable experiences cannot last for ever
Example:After spending an amazing week on vacation with her family, Sarah knew that all good things must come to an end. It was difficult for her to leave the beautiful scenery and fun activities behind and return to her daily routine. But she was grateful for the memories and experiences she had gained during the trip.
173:Back to the drawing board
Meaning:An idea has been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised
Example:The team had been working on a new product for months, but after the test results came in, they realized that it was not going to be successful in the market. They had to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan to improve the product and make it more appealing to consumers.
174.An Arm and leg
Meaning:A large, Possibly exorbitant
Example:Buying a new car can cost an arm and a leg, especially if you opt for all the latest features and upgrades. However, some people may feel that it's worth the expense to have a reliable and comfortable vehicle
175.An Axe to grind
Meaning:A selfish aim or motive
Example:John always speaks negatively about his coworker, Sarah, and it turns out that he has an axe to grind. He had applied for the same promotion that Sarah recently received, but was turned down. As a result, he now harbors resentment towards her and uses every opportunity to criticize her work.
176.All in the same boat
Meaning:To be in the same unpleasant situation as other people
Example:During a challenging time like a pandemic, everyone is all in the same boat. No one is immune to the effects of the situation, and we must all work together to keep ourselves and each other safe. This might mean following public health guidelines, supporting local businesses, and practicing empathy and kindness towards one another.
177.all Greek to me
Meaning: Something is difficult to understand due to its complexity
Example:When Maria tried to read the technical manual for her new computer, it was all Greek to her. She had no background in computer science and found the jargon and technical language to be completely unintelligible.
178.To bend over backwards
Meaning:To make every effort to achieve something
Example:Despite his busy schedule, Tom was willing to bend over backwards to help his friend move to a new apartment. He took time off work, rented a moving truck, and helped pack and move all the furniture and boxes. Tom's friend was incredibly grateful for his help and felt lucky to have such a supportive friend.
179:At the drop of a hat
Example:When her best friend called her for help, Sarah was ready to go at the drop of a hat. She didn't hesitate to cancel her plans and rush over to her friend's house to offer support. Sarah knew that her friend needed her, and she was willing to drop everything to be there for her.
180: apple of my eye
Meaning:Someone whom you cherish above all others
Example:After their parents passed away, John and his sister became the apple of each other's eyes. They were each other's only family left, and they cherished their relationship more than anything else in the world.
181.To shoot breeze
Meaning:To have a causel conversation
Example:During the lunch break, the coworkers decided to shoot the breeze and discuss their weekend plans. They chatted about the weather, sports, and local events, enjoying each other's company and taking a break from work-related stress.
182.The best of both worlds
Meaning:The benefits of widely differing situation
Example:As a remote worker, Sarah enjoys the best of both worlds. She gets to work from the comfort of her own home and have a flexible schedule, while also being able to collaborate with her team and attend meetings virtually. She has the independence of working remotely and the benefits of working for a larger company.
183:To sleep with the fishes
Meaning:To be murdered and the body hidden from the public
Example:In the movie The Godfather, one of the characters, Luca Brasi, sleeps with the fishes after he betrays the Corleone family. He is murdered and thrown into the ocean as a way to dispose of his body and ensure that he will never be found.
184.ingorance is bliss
Meaning:Sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts
Example:Before the test results came back, John was worried about his health. However, when the doctor told him that he was fine, he felt relieved and happy. He realized that sometimes ignorance is bliss and that worrying about his health had been causing him unnecessary stress.
185.have a blast
Meaning:A party With Very Loud music
Example:During her vacation in Hawaii, Sarah had a blast surfing, swimming, and exploring the local attractions. She loved the sunny weather, the beautiful scenery, and the friendly people she met along the way. Sarah felt grateful for the opportunity to travel and experience new things, and she knew that she would always remember this trip as one of the best times of her life.
186.There's no such things as a free lunch
Meaning:it isn't possible to get something nothing
Example:When a company offers you a free trial of their product, remember that there's no such thing as a free lunch. While the trial may be free, there's usually a catch, such as having to provide your credit card information, which may be charged if you don't cancel before the trial period ends. It's important to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions before accepting any offer.
187.By the skin of one's teeth
Meaning: A very narrow margin
Example:After studying all night for the exam, John managed to pass the test by the skin of his teeth. He had missed several classes and struggled with some of the material, but he pushed himself to keep going and did just enough to pass. He knew that he had been lucky and felt relieved that he had managed to avoid failing
188.Crocodile tears
Meaning:Expressions of sarrow margin
Example:"Mary shed crocodile tears at the funeral of her ex-boyfriend, even though she had cheated on him and treated him poorly during their relationship
189:Chink in one's armour
Meaning:An area of vulnerability
Example:a company's computer network might have an area of vulnerability in its security system that could be exploited by hackers to gain access to sensitive data. A person's emotional vulnerability might make them more susceptible to manipulation or abuse by others. A military operation might have an area of vulnerability in its defense that could be exploited by enemy forces
190: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Meaning:Not all people have the same opinion about what is attractive
Example: two people looking at the same painting may have completely different opinions about its beauty. One may find it to be a masterpiece, while the other may see it as unimpressive. Similarly, one person may find a particular person attractive, while another person may not find that same person attractive at all.
191.Necessity is the mother of invention
Meaning:Great inventions happen only if you are desperate
Example:during the COVID-19 pandemic, when there was a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers, many people were motivated to come up with creative solutions to address this problem. Some people used 3D printers to produce face shields, while others developed innovative methods to sanitize and reuse PPE
192.By the seat of one's pants
Meaning:To do it using only one's own experience and judgement
Example:a chef who is cooking a new dish for the first time and has to improvise and adjust the recipe as they go along is said to be cooking "by the seat of their pants." Similarly, a pilot who has to fly a plane through a storm without any instruments due to a malfunction is said to be flying "by the seat of their pants
193:Discretion is the greater part of valour
Meaning:Caution is preferable to rash bravery
Example:a police officer who chooses not to engage in a dangerous high-speed chase in order to avoid putting innocent bystanders at risk is said to be exercising "discretion" rather than recklessly pursuing the suspect. Similarly, a soldier who decides to retreat from a battle when outnumbered and outgunned is said to be exercising "discretion" rather than fighting recklessly and risking the lives of their fellow soldiers
194.Too many cook spoil the broth
Meaning:Asking many people for advice will cause confusion
Example:if a team of designers is working on a project and each team member has a different idea of how it should be executed, it can lead to conflict and confusion, which can ultimately hurt the project's outcome. Similarly, if a committee is tasked with making a decision and each member has a different opinion, it can be difficult to reach a consensus, leading to a less effective
195.Easy Come, easy go
Meaning:Something that is achieved easily is also lost as easily
Example:imagine someone who has won a large sum of money in the lottery. They might feel like they have hit the jackpot and that their financial worries are over. However, if they do not manage their money wisely or invest it carefully, they may soon find that they have spent it all and are back where they started. In this case, the idiom "Easy come, easy go" would be appropriate to describe the situation.
196.To spin one's Wheels
Meaning:To waste one's time
Example:if a student is studying for an exam by repeatedly reading the same textbook chapter over and over again without taking notes or engaging with the material, a friend might say to them, "You're just spinning your wheels if you're not actively learning the material
197.No Horse in this race
Meaning: To have no vested interest in the outcome of a contest
Example:if a group of friends are discussing which sports team they think will win the upcoming game, and one person says "I have no horse in this race, so I don't really care who wins," it means that they don't have a personal preference or stake in the outcome of the game. They are simply an observer or bystander, and do not have any vested interest in the result.
198.To be pushing up daisies
Meaning:To be dead and burried
Example:My great-grandfather has been pushing up daisies for over a decade now, but I still think of him often and cherish the memories I have of him
199:To jump ship
Meaning:To leave an organization
Example:After months of feeling unappreciated and undervalued at his job, Tom finally decided to jump ship and look for a new employer who would appreciate his skills and contributions.
200: X Marks the spot
Meaning:specific location
Example:John and his friends went on a treasure hunt, and after following the clues, they finally arrived at a clearing in the woods. There, marked on a tree, was an X. John excitedly shouted, "X marks the spot! That's where the treasure must be buried
201.No man is an island
Meaning:survive entirely alone
Example:Imagine a person who lives in a remote cabin in the woods, far away from any other human being. Even though they may have everything they need to survive, such as food, water, and shelter, they would still feel lonely and unfulfilled without any human interaction. They would not have anyone to talk to, share their thoughts and feelings with, or rely on for help in case of an emergency. This is a clear example of how no one can truly exist in isolation without being connected to others.
202.The squeaky wheel gets the grease
Meaning:The most noticeable problema are the ones most likely to get attention
Example:if a customer is unhappy with a product or service they received, they may speak up and complain to the company. If they are persistent in their complaints and make a lot of noise, the company may take action to address their concerns in order to prevent negative publicity or losing the customer's business. In this case, the customer is the "squeaky wheel" and their complaints are getting attention and action taken.
203.To beat a dead horse
Meaning:to continue talking about or doing something that has already been resolved
Example:if a team has already made a decision on a project, but one team member keeps bringing up the same issue repeatedly, others may tell them that they are "beating a dead horse." The issue has already been discussed and resolved, and bringing it up again is not productive
204.Beating around the bush
Meaning:To avoid getting to the point of an issue
Example:if someone asks a person if they want to go out to dinner and the person responds by saying "I'm not sure, what do you think?" instead of giving a direct answer, they are "beating around the bush." They are avoiding giving a direct answer to the question and instead trying to redirect the conversation.
205.To bite off more than you can chew
Meaning:To take on a commitment one cannot fulfill
Example:if a student signs up for too many classes in one semester and finds themselves overwhelmed with coursework, they may be said to have "bitten off more than they can chew." They took on too much work and are struggling to keep up.
206.To bite your tongue
Meanig:To stop yourself from saying something that you would really like to say
Example:if a person is in a meeting and disagrees with a colleague's idea, but chooses not to speak up to avoid causing conflict, they may be said to have "bitten their tongue." They are refraining from expressing their opinion in order to avoid a disagreement.
207.Beating around the bush
Meaning: To void getting to the point of an issue
Example:if a person is asked a direct question, but instead of answering it, they start talking about other topics or using vague language, they may be accused of "beating around the bush." This could happen in a business meeting when someone is asked to give a straightforward answer about a project, but they start talking about other unrelated issues.
208.two heads are better than one
Meaning:When Two people work together they more likely to solve a problem
Example:if two people are working on a project together, they may come up with more innovative ideas and strategies than if they were working separately. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, they can build on each other's strengths and weaknesses and develop better solutions
209.Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning:You should not plan something that has yet to happen
Example:if a person is expecting a job offer and starts planning their finances and future before actually receiving the offer, they may be warned not to "count their chickens before they hatch." They should wait until they receive the job offer before making any financial decisions
210.Birds of a feather flock together
Meaning:people who are similar in character, interests, or beliefs tend to associate with each other.
Example:if a group of friends are all interested in playing video games, they are more likely to spend time together and bond over their shared interest. Similarly, if a group of coworkers are all passionate about environmental activism, they may form a close-knit team and work together on related projects.
211.Beggars can't be choosers
Meaning:people with no other option must be content with what is offered
Example:, if someone is homeless and hungry, they cannot afford to be picky about the type of food they are given or the conditions in which it is provided. Similarly, if someone is unemployed and struggling to make ends meet, they may need to accept any job offer that comes their way, regardless of whether it is their ideal career choice.
212.To chew someone out
Meaning:reprimand someone severely
Example:When the teacher caught the students cheating on the exam, she chewed them out and gave them all failing grades.
213 .to chip on his shoulder
Meaning:refers to someone who is easily provoked or inclined to be resentful or confrontational
Example:imagine someone who always brings up past slights or perceived insults in every conversation, even if they are not relevant to the topic at hand. This person may be said to have a chip on their shoulder.
214.Feeding frenzy
Meaning:A mad rush to complete a big project before deadline
Example:during a Black Friday sale at a retail store, customers may become so competitive about getting the best deals that it turns into a feeding frenzy. They may push and shove each other, grab items from others, and act in a generally chaotic and aggressive manner.
215.Excuse my french
Meaning:To speak in a language that others can't understand
Example:let's say someone is having a frustrating day at work and blurts out a curse word in front of their boss. They may then say, "Excuse my French," as a way to acknowledge that they used inappropriate language in a professional setting
216.To cry over spilt milk
Meaning:To dwell pointlessly on past misfortune
Example:if someone accidentally spills a glass of milk on the floor, and then spends the next hour moping and feeling guilty about it, their friend might tell them not to cry over spilt milk. The friend is reminding them that there is no use in dwelling on something that has already happened and cannot be changed.
217.to cry wolf
Meaning: To raise a false alarm
Example:imagine someone who frequently exaggerates or lies about their problems to gain attention or sympathy from others. Over time, people may begin to doubt the legitimacy of their claims and think that they are crying wolf
218.To cut to the chase
Meaning:To explain a very long story in brief
Example:imagine two people discussing a business deal. One person might say, "Let's cut to the chase. What are your terms and conditions for the deal?" This means that they want to skip all the small talk and get straight to the essential details of the agreement.
219.Curiosity killed the cat
Meaning:that being too curious about something can lead to trouble
Example:imagine a person who is always asking personal questions about others, even when it is not appropriate. Someone might say to them, "Remember, curiosity killed the cat," as a way to remind them that their curiosity could lead to negative consequences, such as offending someone or damaging a relationship.
220.To drive someone up the wall
Meaning:To make someone very irritated
Example:imagine someone who has a roommate that is constantly playing loud music, even when asked to turn it down. The person might say, "My roommate's constant music is driving me up the wall
221.Dry run
Meaning:A rehearsal of a performance before the real one
Example:imagine a company preparing for a product launch. They might conduct a "dry run" of the launch to test their systems and identify any potential issues before the actual launch day.
222.finding your feet
Meaning:Adjusting to new place or a new situation
Example:After starting a new job, it took me a few weeks to find my feet and learn the ropes of the company culture.
223 . To have a field day
Meaning:especially someone
Example:The critics had a field day tearing apart the new movie
224.To crack someone up
Meaning:To make someone laugh
Example:Her jokes always crack me up. She has such a great sense of humor
225.To cross your fingers
Meaning:To hope that things will happen in the way that one wants them to happen
Example:I'm crossing my fingers that I get the job I interviewed for last week
226.To drink like a fish
Meaning:To drink excessive amounts of alcohol
Example:"I saw John at the bar last night, and he was drinking like a fish. I'm worried that he has a drinking problem
227.Down to the wire
Meaning: To the last minute;to the very end
Example:The game was tied, and it was down to the wire. The final goal was scored in the last few seconds of the match.
228.To busy a lemon
Meaning:To purchase a vehicle that constantly gives problem
Example:I really regret buying this car. It's been nothing but trouble since the day I bought it. I guess I bought a lemon
229.To cast iron stomach
Meaning:To be able to eat or drink anything without any problems
Example:My friend has a cast iron stomach and can eat anything from spicy foods to raw fish without any discomfort
230.To Come hell or high water
Meaning: persevere through any obstacle or difficulty
Example:I promised my boss that I would finish this project by the end of the week, and come hell or high water, I'm going to deliver it on time, even if I have to work all night to get it done
231.Ethnic cleansing
Meaning:The mass killings of members of one ethnic group
Example:In the early 2000s, the government of Sudan was accused of carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against non-Arab ethnic groups in the Darfur region, including the burning of villages, rape, and murder of civilians.
232.Every cloud has a silver lining
Meaning:every bad situation has some good aspects to it
Example:After losing his job, John was feeling discouraged and unsure about his future, but he soon realized that losing his job gave him the opportunity to pursue a career he had always dreamed of. Every cloud has a silver lining
233 . Dead ringer
Meaning:A duplicate of the exact nature. A substitute for something
Example:When I saw the actor on TV, I thought it was my friend because he was a dead ringer for him.
234.Dark horse
Meaning:A candidate about whome little is known but who unexpectedly wins
Example:Samantha was a dark horse in the competition because she had never competed before, but she surprised everyone by winning the top prize.
235.flea market
Meaning:A street market selling used or second hand goods
Example:When I moved to the city, I had to furnish my apartment on a tight budget, so I went to the flea market to find some affordable furniture and decorations.
236.To go for broke
Meaning:To risks everything in an all out
Example:After years of struggling to get her business off the ground, Sarah decided to go for broke and take out a loan to fund a new marketing campaign. She knew it was a huge risk, but she was determined to make her business a success, even if it meant losing everything.
237.To go the extra mile
Meaning: To make a special effort to achieve something
Example:When Sarah's boss asked her to prepare a report for the upcoming meeting, she not only finished the report on time, but also created a visually appealing presentation to accompany it. She really went the extra mile to ensure that everything was perfect for the meeting
238.Fixed in one's ways
Meaning:someone is unwilling or unable to change their habits, opinions
Example:Despite her family's efforts to convince her to try new foods, Mary was fixed in her ways and would only eat the same few dishes that she had eaten for years
239.Flash in the pan
Meaning:One that appears promising but turn out to be disappointing
Example:John's first novel was a bestseller, but his subsequent books were not well received by critics or readers. It turned out that his initial success was just a flash in the pan
240.to foam at the mouth
Meaning:to be very angry
Example:After the referee made a controversial call, the coach began to foam at the mouth and scream at the officials.
241.Fuddy duddy
Meaning:A person who is very old fashioned and pompous
Example:Jack's father is such a fuddy-duddy when it comes to music, he only listens to old vinyl records and doesn't like any of the new songs on the radio.
242.To get one's walking papers
Meaning:ask that person to leave a place or job because they have done something wrong
Example:After being caught stealing office supplies, John got his walking papers and was escorted out of the building by security.
243 .graveyard shift
Meaning:A work shift that runs through the early morning hours
Example:Maria works the graveyard shift at the hospital, where she's responsible for monitoring patients and responding to emergencies during the late-night hours
244.Good Samaritan
Meaning:A charitable and helpful person
Example:When a man collapsed on the street, several people passed by without offering to help, but a Good Samaritan stopped to administer first aid and called an ambulance.
245.To get over it
Meaning:To accept something that happened in the past and move on
Example:After a painful breakup, it took some time for her to get over it and start dating again
246.To get up on the wrong side of the bed
Meaning:To start the day in a bad mood which continues all day long
Example:Sarah seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, as she snapped at her co-workers and was easily annoyed by small things.
247.To burn the midnight oil
Meaning: To read or work late into the night
Example:In order to finish her research paper on time, Mary had to burn the midnight oil for several nights in a row
248.Head over heels
Meaning:To be madly in love
Example:Ever since she met Tom, Jane has been head over heels in love with him and can't stop thinking about him.
249.cat nap
Meaning:Short sleep
Example:After a long day at work, John decided to take a quick cat nap on the couch before starting his evening activities.
250.To pull a long face
Meaning:Look sad
Example:When Sarah found out that she didn't get the job she applied for, she pulled a long face and felt discouraged.
251.to angel
meaning:To fish
Example:The reporter was trying to fish for information about the company's financial situation during the interview.
252.For all intents and purposes
Example:For all intents and purposes, the project is finished, even though there are a few minor details that still need to be worked out.
253.Go out of one's way
Meaning:Do everything possible
Example:She went out of her way to help me with my project, even though she had a busy schedule.
254:in the running
Meaning:Has good prospects in competition
Example:Although there are many talented applicants for the job, she is definitely in the running with her impressive qualifications and experience.
255.Make room
Meaning:Make space
Example:We need to make room in the closet for the new clothes we just bought
256.Mend your Way's
Meaning:improve one's behavior
Example:After getting into trouble with the law, he knew he needed to mend his ways and start living a more responsible life.
257.Beggar Description
Meaning:Can't be described
Example:The view from the mountaintop was so breathtaking that it beggared description.
258.Drag one's feet
Meaning: be reluctant to act
Example:John has been dragging his feet on submitting his project proposal, even though the deadline is just around the corner
259.Hope Against Hope
Meaning:Nurture an impossible hope
Example:After searching for her lost cat for several days, she was hoping against hope that it would return, even though the chances were slim
260.For keep
Example:if two children are playing a game and one of them says "this is for keeps," it means that they are playing for real, and the winner gets to keep the prize or bragging rights, and it's not just a friendly game.
261.Paled into insignificance
meaning:Seemed less important
Example:if someone tells a story about a thrilling adventure they had while traveling, and then someone else shares a story about a near-death experience they had, the first story might "pale into insignificance" compared to the second story because it's less dramatic
262.with one voice
Example:if a group of people all agree on a particular issue and speak out in support of it, they could say "we speak with one voice" to emphasize that they are all in agreement.
263.Make it light
Meaning:Treat lightly
Example:if a group of friends are discussing a serious topic, like the recent political situation, and one of them makes a joke to lighten the mood and make it more lighthearted, they could say "let's make it light, guys" to shift the conversation to a more positive direction
264:Every inch a gentleman
Example:if someone is described as "every inch a gentleman," it means that they exhibit all the qualities expected of a gentleman. They are polite, well-spoken, and treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or social standing.
265.A rough, violent
Example:After weeks of trying to negotiate a deal, the business owner decided to take the gloves off and threaten to sue if the other party didn't agree to the terms
266.To take to heart
Meaning:To be greatly affected
Example:She took her doctor's advice to heart and started exercising regularly to improve her health
267.To bring to light
Meaning:To reveal
Example:The journalist's investigation brought to light the corrupt practices of the company's executives
268.All moon shine
Meaning:Far from reality
Example.:if someone says that a movie is based on a true story, but in reality, the events depicted in the movie are entirely fabricated, then you could say that the movie is far from reality. Similarly, if someone claims that a situation is under control when it is actually chaotic, you could say that their perception is far from reality.
269.At a snail's pace
Example:The construction of the new building is moving at a snail's pace. It's been months and they still haven't finished the foundation.
270.Call on
Meaning:Pay and visit
Example:I need to pay a visit to the bank to withdraw some money
271.Pros and cons
meaning:Advantages and disadvantages
Example:We've been working on this project for weeks, but it's moving at a snail's pace. I don't think we'll finish on time.
272.Fish out of water
Meaning:An uncomfortable
Example:Despite being a city boy his whole life, he decided to move to a rural village. At first, he felt like a fish out of water as he struggled to adjust to the slower pace of life and unfamiliar customs of the locals.
273.Be down to the with
Meaning:Suffering from
Example:He's suffering from a headache and needs to take a break.
274:Fair whether friend
Meaning:support when only when easy and convenient
Example:I thought he was my best friend, but when I lost my job and needed help, he stopped returning my calls. Turns out he's just a fair-weather friend.
275.Pull together
Meaning:Work harmoniously
Example:We need to pull together if we want to finish this project on time.
276.selling like hot cakes
Meaning:To have a very good sale
Example:The limited edition sneakers were so popular that they sold out within hours, just like hotcakes.
277.scot free
Example:Despite being caught red-handed stealing from the store, he managed to get away scot-free because there wasn't enough evidence to convict him.
278.to give oneself airs
Meaning: Behave arrogantly
Example. Ever since he got promoted to a high-ranking position, he has been giving himself airs and acting as if he is better than everyone else.
279.At a stone's throw
Meaning:At a short distance
Example:The hotel was located at a stone's throw from the beach, so we could easily walk there every day
280.Bone of contention
Meaning:Mater of dispute
Example:The distribution of inheritance was a bone of contention between the siblings, as each one had a different opinion about how it should be divided.
281.To end in smoke
meaning:To fail
Example:The company's plans to launch a new product line ended in smoke when they realized that they didn't have the resources to bring it to market.
282.Drive home
Example:The teacher tried to drive home the importance of studying for exams by giving the students extra homework assignments.
283.A left hand compliment
Meaning:An ambiguous compliment
Example:You look so much better today than you usually do." At first glance, it may seem like a compliment, but upon closer inspection, it implies that the person doesn't usually look very good.
284:Cut a sorry figure
Meaning:make poor impression
Example:The manager took the employee to task for not meeting the project deadline.
285.To take to task
Example:After the project was completed, the boss took the team to task for not meeting the deadline.
286.Bad blood
Example:After their business partnership ended in a bitter dispute, there was a lot of bad blood between the two former friends.
287.Maiden Speech
Meaning:First speech
Example:The young politician delivered an impressive maiden speech, outlining her commitment to social justice and her plans to tackle inequality in her community.
288.to get cold feet
Example:Tom was supposed to speak at the conference, but he got cold feet and backed out at the last minute.
289.On tenterhooks
Meaning:In suspense and anxiety
Example:Sarah was on tenterhooks waiting for the results of her medical tests.
The investors were on tenterhooks waiting to hear the outcome of the board meeting.
290.A cuckoo in the nest
Meaning:An unwelcomed intruder
Example:The new employee was a cuckoo in the nest, causing trouble for the rest of the team.
291.A house Of cards
meaning:An insecure scheme
Example:The company's financial stability was a house of cards built on a series of loans and investments.
292.To smell rat
Meaning:To suspect foul dealings
Example:When the company suddenly laid off employees without any warning, many workers smelled a rat and suspected that the company was in financial trouble.
293.Old head on young shoulder
Meaning:To be wise beyond one's age
Example:imagine a high school student who takes on the role of a student leader and is able to effectively manage a team, make decisions, and communicate with authority figures. People might say that the student has an old head on young shoulders, as they possess a level of maturity and responsibility that is not commonly seen in someone their age.
294:Hard of hearing
Meaning:to be deaf
Example:if you speak loudly and directly to a person who is hard of hearing, and they still struggle to understand what you're saying, you might say "I think he's hard of hearing, we might need to write it down for him." This indicates that the person has trouble hearing even when you speak loudly and clearly to them.
295.Burn your boats
Meaning: Do something that make it impossible to return the previous situation
Example:a person who quits their job and sells their house to start a new business might be said to have "burned their boats" because they have eliminated the possibility of returning to their previous lifestyle.
296.Dressing down
Meaning:To give scolding
Example:if an employee makes a serious mistake at work, their boss might give them a dressing down in private to express their disappointment and explain the consequences of their actions. The boss might use a stern tone of voice, make direct eye contact, and use language that conveys their disapproval.
297.Null or void
Example:Let's say you sign a contract with a company, but later discover that the company was not legally registered to do business. In that case, you could argue that the contract is null and void because it was based on an agreement with an illegitimate company and is therefore not legally binding.
298.Throw cold Water
Example. Samantha was excitedly telling her friends about her new business idea, but her friend Tom threw cold water on it by pointing out all the potential risks and difficulties involved.
299.Butt in
Example:During a heated discussion between two colleagues, a third colleague butted in and started expressing their opinion without being asked, which only made the situation more tense.
300.Couch potato
Meaning:A person who prefers to watch television
Example:My brother is such a couch potato, he spends all day watching TV and eating junk food. He never exercises or goes outside, and it's starting to affect his health.